creative process, drawing

Latent Kitten Drawing

In April I published a series of posts about a dream I'd had that captivated me and led me to write a saga about the creatures, latent kittens, in the dream. In addition to the writing, I also made a series of drawings in different sketchbooks. Here's one I made, I think in 2010, in… Continue reading Latent Kitten Drawing

creative process, Nature Photography, Poetry, Printmaking, Writing

The Day of the Angel

In 2013 I wrote a poem that I've made a few changes to this year. Among the additions, I've changed the reference to passing years to bring it up to date. The setting for the poem that I see in my mind's eye is a place my husband and I visited in Cypress Hills Park… Continue reading The Day of the Angel

creative process, drawing, Photography, Printmaking

This Autumn

November 2021, Brickworks, Toronto Though the work I'll show today is black and white, outdoors the colours were magnificent this past week. We came out of much rain and clouds to days of sunshine on the turning leaves. Photos don't do the leaves justice, but invoke memories. I felt that that's as it should be,… Continue reading This Autumn

Felt & Fabric

The Meeting

I finished this wool felt wall hanging this week. I worked on it slowly over a month and a half or two months and it was a struggle at times. I sewed and resewed after ripping out stitches that I felt could be improved. I went through many emotions while working that are sometimes part… Continue reading The Meeting



I've finally completed the block prints I'll be sending to the miniature print show in Vancouver, Canada. Two of the three I showed in Proofs and the Past have either changed or been eliminated. The blue print called Dreamscape is the one that remains. Here it is printed on Japanese paper: The print I thought of… Continue reading Changes


Shepherd Carving

I've continued doing line drawings. I find the practice helps me focus--literally and figuratively. Last week, I began paying attention to a carving we've had for years. The plaque has been done very skillfully and with great care extending even to its back that is covered in soft chisel marks. We found it at a yard… Continue reading Shepherd Carving

drawing, Painting


Last week, while I was home with a cold, I began experimenting with an old water soluble crayon set I have. I find painting/drawing on an easel a lot easier physically than printmaking with the pain of repetitive strain I've acquired from lino and woodcutting. So, I'll return to the latest print after a break.… Continue reading Learning

Mail Art, Printmaking

Small Collages Out of Old Prints

I often find that during the process of making art work, I experience physical pain from repetitive movements.  Oil painting at an easel was the only pain free work that I’ve done.  And so, a few weeks ago, I took a break from making booklets out of old prints and rose from sitting to standing. … Continue reading Small Collages Out of Old Prints